Home Chinese, Simplified

The best practices and other M3AAWG documents available in Chinese are below.  See all the M3AAWG documents for the industry.

Best Practices

October 01, 2007

in Chinese-MAAWG Best Common Practices for the Use of a Walled Garden (Ver. 1, 2007)

反信息滥用工作组(MAAWG)有关采用宽带花园(Walled Garden) 的最佳做法 - MAAWG Best Common Practices for the Use of a Walled Garden, Version 1, 2007 in Chinese

January 01, 2005

in Chinese-MAAWG Code of Conduct for Messaging System Operators

反滥发信息工作组(MAAWG.org) 信息系统运营商行为准则 - The Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (MAAWG.org) Code of Conduct for Messaging System Operators in Chinese (2005)

Chinese, Simplified

Chinese, Simplified
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