Home M3AAWG Conduct Policy

Conduct Policy Updated and Approved by the M3AAWG Board of Directors June 6, 2024. Original policy Approved by the M3AAWG Board of Directors 1-11-2019

1. Overall Policy

The Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) is dedicated to making our meetings and business open to all members and guests and to making it a safe place for all. We do not tolerate harassment of any kind. We insist that all participants, attendees and meeting staff always adhere to a civil demeanor. This includes refraining from inappropriate language, comments and behavior, in person or by electronic communications and/or public or semi-public social media.  In accordance with applicable law, M3AAWG prohibits sexual harassment and harassment because of race, color, gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law.

Participants, attendees and staff who are being harassed, intimidated, or are dealing with otherwise improper behavior are encouraged to report it immediately to the M3AAWG Executive Director or other designated Board of Directors officer without fear of repercussion. It is the collective responsibility of everyone to speak up if you witness improper behavior and to report it immediately. You are empowered to politely engage when you or others are treated less than respectful and professional by colleagues.

2. How to get help addressing a violation

   a. Scenario: You feel unsafe

Examples (but not limited to)
  • M3AAWG night out
  • Meeting hotel(s)
  • Meeting space
  • M3AAWG related social events
  • Touching or physical contact of any kind that is unwanted
  • Physical or verbal threats of any kind


  1. Contact local Law Enforcement: In the U.S. dial 911. Outside the U.S. see.https://www.m3aawg.org/health-and-safety
  2. Once you are safe, contact the M3AAWG Executive Director or designated Board Officer to report a Conduct Policy Violation
  3. During the night out, go to the designated Staff table for immediate assistance

   b.  Scenario: You experience or see a Conduct Policy violation that does not require immediate local Law Enforcement assistance

Examples (but not limited to)
  • M3AAWG night out
  • Meeting hotel(s)
  • Meeting space
  • M3AAWG related social events
  • M3AAWG calls
  • Electronic communications or social media
  • Sexual harassment or harassment because of race, color, gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation
  • Inappropriate language, offensive, insulting or derogatory slurs, comments, remarks or behavior
  • Verbally aggressive, abusive or profane comments
  • Displaying or the electronic transmission of derogatory, lewd, offensive and unwelcomed materials or information


  1. Contact the M3AAWG Executive Director or designated Board Officer to report a Conduct Policy Violation
  2. During the night out, go to the designated Staff table for immediate assistance


3. How to Report a M3AAWG Code of Conduct Policy Violation

   a. Timing: Violation occurs during a M3AAWG meeting

Information to include
  • Names and contact information are provided on the back of the meeting badges and at the registration desk for each meeting. 
  • Call or text Executive Director or designated Board Officer (24x7)
  • Email Executive Director


  • Name and Company of the violator, if known
  • Date, time and location of the violation
  • What was the violation
  • Other people involved in the incident
  • Any witnesses who would be willing to give a report, if needed
  • Any violations should be reported as soon as possible
  • The Executive Director or Board Officer will speak with you privately or together as appropriate
  • Refrain from discussing the incident with other members while it is under review
  • Violations will be addressed promptly and will include a post incident communication


    b. Timing: Violation occurs outside one of the three in-person M3AAWG meetings

Information to include
  • Call or text the Executive Director or Designated Board Officer during normal business week / hours (M-F, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST)


  • Name and Company of the violator, if known
  • Date, time and location of the violation
  • What was the violation
  • Other people involved in the incident
  • Any witnesses who would be willing to give a report, if needed
  • Any violations should be reported as soon as possible
  • The Executive Director or designated Board Officer will speak with you privately or together as appropriate
  • Refrain from discussing the incident with other members while it is under review
  • Violations will be addressed promptly and will include a post incident communication

4. Enforcement

Anyone who is found to be in violation of this policy may be  subject to any one or more of  the following remedial actions, depending on the offense:

  • Warning
  • Immediate Removal
  • Meeting Suspension
  • Expulsion
  • Contacting of employer and/or legal authorities

Actions stronger than a warning or immediate removal will be taken at the discretion of the M3AAWG Board of Directors.

M3AAWG reserves the right to remove any participant or attendee at any time for any reason.

5. Social Events

The Conduct Policy also extends outside of the meeting rooms to include all areas of the meeting hotel and social gatherings sponsored by M3AAWG or M3AAWG member organizations.

Member organizations are expected to make sure all their employees and third-party event personnel who attend a social event are aware of and understand our Conduct Policy. All social events should have a designated safe area or designated safe people for addressing violations.  All violations reported at Social Events must be reported to M3AAWG.

Note: You can download this file below.