Home Messaging

Below are the M3AAWG published materials related to our messaging anti-abuse work. There is also a Messaging video playlist on our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/maawg and there are a few selected videos on our website in the Training Videos and Keynotes Videos sections under the Meetings menu tab.

Best Practices

March 31, 2019

M3AAWG Best Common Practices for Mitigating Abuse of Web Messaging Systems, Version 1.1

Cyber criminals are increasingly turning to Web-based messaging systems to transmit their content. Yet, there are many techniques to prevent or mitigate these attacks and this document details the Best Common Practices for protecting these messaging systems.  This Version 1.1 has been updated additional suggestions for managing the collection, storage and indenxing of data, a new section on multifactor authentication and other changes.

March 31, 2019

M3AAWG Email Anti-Abuse Product Evaluation Best Current Practices, Updated March 2019

Outlining practices used during trial evaluations of messaging anti-abuse products or services, this document provides recommendations on processes and techniques to accurately determine a particular solution’s effectiveness. The March 2019 version includes recommendations affected by newer technology, such as cloud services, and other updates.

March 31, 2019

Configuring Human Readable Delivery Status Notifications (DSN), updated 2019

A discussion on improving non-deliverability status notices to better identify abuse issues, this document has been updated with minor changes for clarity and to simplify the text.

March 31, 2019

M3AAWG DKIM Key Rotation Best Common Practices, March 2019

To minimize the risk of active DKIM keys being compromised, they should be changed frequently. This document was updated in March 2019 and discusses why keys should be rotated, how frequently they should be rotated, and suggests the best common practices for doing so.

February 17, 2019

M3AAWG Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Flowspec Best Practices

Flow Specification (Flowspec) is a new type of Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI) for the BGP routing protocol. It was originally developed to help mitigate DDoS attacks but its use has expanded to numerous other applications.


Public Policy Comments

January 26, 2018

Proposed Interim Models for Compliance with ICANN Agreements and Policies in Relation to the EU's GDPR

M3AAWG provided comments on the ICANN report.  The filed comments also are available on the ICANN website at https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/gdpr-legal-analysis-2017-11-17-en

August 30, 2017

M3AAWG Comments to FTC on CAN SPAM 2017

M3AAWG submitted these comments in response to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission's request for comments on 16 CFR Part 316 of the CAN-SPAM Rule.  The comments can be viewed on the FTC site at https://www.ftc.gov/policy/public-comments/2017/08/30/comment-87

August 27, 2017

M3AAWG Comments on Restoring Internet Freedom

M3AAWG responded to the Federal Communications Commission's May 2017 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) relating to net neturality that was titled Restoring Internet Freedom.  Our comments can also be found on the FCC site at https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filing/1082812398671.


August 27, 2017

M3AAWG Comments on Restoring Internet Freedom

M3AAWG responded to the Federal Communications Commission's May 2017 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“NPRM”) relating to net neturality that was titled Restoring Internet Freedom.  Our comments can also be found on the FCC site at https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filing/1082812398671.



M3AAWG Reports

DM3Z Blog

Updates and Commentary from the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group

None at this time.


Articles About M3AAWG

September 03, 2019

Solving extreme email deliverability mysteries

Anna Ward, Postmark’s head of deliverability, discusses her path to becoming an email deliverability expert and the impact of being a part of the M3AAWG community on her work.

October 30, 2018

Policy eliminates pre-emptive protection of internet infrastructure abuse

Networks Asia - Security Asia


A joint APWG-M3AAWG survey of cybercrime responders and anti-abuse personnel indicates ICANN’s Temporary Specification for domain name WHOIS data has eliminated interventions that previously allowed investigators to stop new cybercrimes while still in the preparatory stages -- and has markedly impeded routine mitigations for many kinds of cybercrimes.

October 25, 2018

How Do You Fight a $12B Fraud Problem? One Scammer at a Time


Brian Krebs interviewed Ronnie Tokazowski, founder of the private BEC List that received the 2018 JD Falk Award, on Business Email Compromise and the list's cooperative fight to protect end-users. 

October 09, 2018

Group recognized for efforts thwart Nigerian email scams


Coverage of the BEC List fighting online fraud and the M3AAWG 2018 JD Falk Award it received.

June 20, 2018

The History of Email with Dave Crocker, Part 2



In 1990, an unresolvable debate over how to expand email beyond ASCII text spawned two separate working groups and is a rare example of how staunchly competitive tech groups unintentionally ended up collaborating to create something important that went beyond the original objective. The result: multimedia email, according to M3AAWG Senior Technical Advisor Dave Crocker in part 2 of his Network Collective podcast on the history of email.


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