Home Activities Upcoming Professional Training Courses Upcoming Professional Training Courses

As listed below, M3AAWG is offering professional training courses on Monday, June 8, 2015, during our upcoming general meeting. The first sessions start at 10:30 a.m. with various courses until 5:00 p.m.  Some courses are still being developed and updates will be posted as available. Participants can choose from any of the courses, as fits their needs and interests.

Training is on the first day of the M3AAWG 34th General Meeting in Dublin, Ireland.

Also see M3AAWG training videos from previous meetings

Monday, June 8, 2015

10:30 a.m. – 11:30

What to See and Do Around Dublin

Open to all meeting attendees and their guests: Come hear about the sights, sounds and all that has Dublin has to offer.  We will allow plenty of time for Q&A.  Presented by the local convention and visitors bureau.

12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Securing Your Home Network, Personal Computers and Mobile Devices

Presented by April Lorenzen, M3AAWG Senior Technical Advisor (Dissect Cyber Inc.)

This training is for the less-technical person with little knowledge about network and device security. Corporations are finding they benefit from training employees about personal devices and home network security.  Good security-think starts at home with the individual's assets and grows to help prevent security missteps at work.

Participants will come away with a concrete list of better security steps they can carry out at home and a fresh understanding of the significance of man-in-the-middle attacks, sinkholes and password strategies. As a group, we will investigate the pros and cons of BYOD policies, the realities of using a company device on a home network, and widespread employee security training. We aim to be fun and to enlighten non-technical people about why they should care, how the technical issues affect them and what they can do about them.

12:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Email Authentication & DMARC

Presented by Steve Jones, DMARC.org

Email authentication is maturing and becoming more central to the sending and receiving of email. Regulatory and government bodies are joining industry groups in urging the adoption of email authentication – including SPF, DKIM, and now DMARC. This session will provide an overview of the technologies for those who are unfamiliar with them and then will move on to their strengths and weaknesses when used alone and in combination. It will also cover privacy concerns, recent developments in the IETF, and may introduce some implementation details for better understanding and scoping of deployment work efforts.

12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Maximizing Group Collaboration

Michael Goldman, Facilitation First

This session will include at least one break, as fits the content.  Picture this … you’ve been asked to lead a group discussion for purposes of getting input, brainstorming, defining best practices, building consensus or other needs. And you’re expected to get everyone to participate, come up with some recommendations and build buy-in for the results – all within one hour!  Sounds easy, right? NOT. This workshop is therefore geared to train you on techniques for building quick, effective group collaboration that ultimately shapes participant buy-in. Participants will also have a chance to apply their new skills in facilitating a topic group during the Open Round Table sessions.

Audience: Committee chairs, meeting session moderators or session leaders and anyone who needs to leverage and maximize group collaboration! This session is required for new committee chairs.

3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)/GNU Privacy Guard (GPG): Just Enough Training To Make You Dangerous

Presented by Joe St Sauver, M3AAWG Senior Technical Advisor (Farsight Security, Inc.)

PGP/GPG is widely used in the operational security community to protect messages all the way from their origin to their final destination, i.e.,ʺend-to-end.ʺ The number of people who actually routinely use PGP/GPG remains rare, however, largely due to its perceived complexity. This training session will give you just enough PGP/GPG skills to let you become minimally functional, while skipping esoteric options and more theoretical considerations. You will learn how to create your own keypair, obtain others' public keys, and send and receive PGP/GPG signed and encrypted messages. Suitable for Mac, PC and Unix/Linux attendees. No prior crypto instruction expected.